Front Row Pics: Welcome To Rockville in Jacksonville, FL
Just as we promised you way back in February, nothing was going to stop us from bringing you photo coverage of the sold-out (yup, our guess was right) Welcome to Rockville festival in Jacksonville, FL on April 25 and 26…and the weather sure as hell did try to stop us with downpours and wind like you wouldn’t believe (kudos to the Rockville team for knowing when to delay a set in order to keep performers safe and for working tirelessly to make sure the venue didn’t turn into one giant, dangerous [messy was no longer a concern after about 30 seconds into what seemed like a flood coming down from the sky] mud bog), but while the USPS claims that there is no bad weather they can’t handle in order to come through with their customers’ mail (yeah, right…I think my mailman is allergic to rain and snow and sleet), our Sr. Contributing Photographer Seth M defined what it means to suffer through the elements in the name of his art and in order to make good on that original promise ~ He is definitely due a round of applause for his dedication, which yielded the photos below…so please, ENJOY!
Keep up with news about next year’s installment of WtR via these links ~ and remember, as soon as tickets are available, GRAB YOURS, because it’s official, the festival is going to keep selling out…how could it not???