Heavy Montréal 2015 Announces Single Day Passes and Even More Incredible Bands Added to the Line-up!
Heavy Montréal, which you faithful FlashWounds readers already know is one of the annual highlights of the summer…no, make that of the year…for us from reading our advance articles on the festival and then ~ if you weren’t able to attend what is always a mind-blowing weekend of pure metal adrenaline from an insane line-up of bands and an equally insane crowd (an explosive combination that is a huge part of what makes Heavy so freakin’ epic) ~ checking out our live coverage from the pit and beyond (and hell yeah, getting to shoot the bands at a festival of this magnitude never ceases to be a complete and utter thrill, especially when the event is not just a heavy music lover’s dream come true but also a flawlessly run weekend from a production standpoint, not to mention the gorgeous venue, Parc Jean Drapeau, which evenko totally transforms into a posh metal mecca for audience, performers, and media alike while maintaining the integrity of the park’s natural beauty…NOT an easy task) ~ which this year will include a bunch of different daily teasers and a few surprises to give you as close to a being-there-in-person feeling as possible.
And for the record, although we’re damn proud of our coverage and thankful for the opportunity to bring the festival to you, there’s still no substitute for being smack dab in the middle of it with tens of thousands of like-minded metallers, so whether it’s this year or next or the year after that, you MUST experience Heavy Montréal…I guarantee you’ll be hooked and find yourself heading for Canada every summer after that.
But now that I’ve reminded you of the special place Heavy, presented by Molson Canadian, holds in FlashWounds’ heart/ears/melting brain, it’s time to share with you several major announcements just make public today!
First, the daily lineup has been posted (see above) ~ which means you can start planning now how you’re going to be at several stages at once…or, more realistically, how you’re going to plan out your musical itinerary for each day.
Also, to celebrate Heavy’s 7th anniversary, they are offering the single day passes at only $77 for a duration of 77 hours. Starting now (Monday, May 4th at noon) until Thursday, May 7th at 5pm, fans can get a single day pass for $77 instead of $85…and if these passes go as quickly as they have in years past (or more quickly, given the savings!), most of those 77 hours will be unnecessary, so get your butt over to heavymontreal.com NOW and order however many passes you and your friends are going to need.
Most exciting for us (and likely for you as well) is the news that Heavy has just added not one, not two, but a shyteload of great bands to the party: Extreme, Neurosis, Abbath, Strung Out, Devin Townsend Project, Sanctuary, Swingin’ Utters, Veil of Maya, The Acacia Strain, The Brains, Obscura, After The Burial, Cattle Decapitation, Masked Intruder, Sandveiss and Mass Murder Messiah (who are offering downloads of their first two albums free here). That’s one hell of a line-up being added to one hell of a line-up, and I’m just sayin’, who knows what else the masterminds behind Heavy might spring on us between now and August 7….
What are the different levels of passes available once the 77 hour celebratory sale is over? Glad you asked!
Gold Pass
Gold Pass holders will have access to the Heavy Montréal terrace, a multi-level platform offering a premium view of the two main stages, with access to private washrooms and exclusive food & beverage stands.
Platinum Weekend Pass
Platinum Weekend Pass holders will have access to the VIP festival lounge located backstage with exclusive food & beverage stands, VIP bathrooms, giant screen with live feed, charging stations, DJ afterparty tickets and shuttles to afterparties in town, in addition to the access to the Heavy Montréal Terrasse.
(I’m sticking to my rule of never telling anyone how to spend his or her money, but I will say that the above passes truly do add a really special “upgrade” to the entire weekend and if you do decide to go Gold or Platinum, you will not regret your choice for a second ~ “VIP” refers to a lot more than you might think it does, and that terrace is a lot more than just an average set of bleachers where you can hang and gather your energy for a few minutes…trust me.)
1 Day Pass
General Admission: $85
Gold: $225
2 Day Pass (your choice of days)
General Admission: $160
Festival Pass – 3 Days
General Admission: $230
Gold: $550 ~ Limited quantity!
Platinum: $850 ~ Very limited quantity!
* Prices all include taxes and service fees
*All passes are RFID bracelets (you can read more about the bracelets here, but in a nutshell, they’re the most convenient, smoothest, quickest way of identification possible)
Well there you go, the latest [very cool] news from Heavy Montréal ~ if you want to check out our pics and more from 2014, just use our Search field and key in those two words…if you want to go back a little further, key in Heavy MTL, as that was the festival’s original name. In addition to a little more of that history, the HM site is packed with details (don’t worry, the site might load in French, but just opt for English instead if you need to…and have no fear, everyone involved in the festival speaks perfect English, so there’s no language barrier whatsoever) that will answer practically any questions you can come up with, so make sure to spend some time familiarizing yourself with suggestions, rules, apps, etc. from the people who know them best…and make sure that your passport is CURRENT!!
If you can possibly make it up to Canada this year for any or all of Heavy Montreal, get your tickets NOW…and stay tuned to FlashWounds.com, facebook.com/flashwounds, and facebook.com/poulin.frank, too, for videos of bands who played Heavy or who will be playing this year, more announcements, flashbacks from the festival’s early years, and more.
Official Heavy Montreal Facebook