Drummer Seeks Band That Embraces the Darker Side of Art and Theatricality
Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, Corey Taylor, Murderdolls, Clive Barker, Alice Cooper, Goblin, Butcher Babies, H.P. Lovecraft, and Satan himself form a band in the dark lairs that lie beneath Old New Orleans. They are protected and aroused by the vampyric beings who accept them into the fold and, cloaked in darkness save for the flickering coming from a small TV in the corner showing the original Dawn of the Dead on mute, they devote themselves completely to their music…it is their air, their sustenance, their master…they have each known from the beginning what the process and the music means to the others without ever having to utter a word…they know what must be written, what must be brought to life…they know that only in creation and performance might they ever find peace.
That is the band I seek, those are the kindred spirits I must find.
If what I have said makes perfect sense to you, if you crave the release only music that bleeds from your soul can provide, then perhaps there is a conversation to be had.
This experienced drummer with both the dark arts and theatricality coursing through his veins invites like-minded individuals to contact him at darkdevildrummer@gmail.com.
EDITOR’S NOTE: In order to get in touch with the individual above, please contact him directly at the email provided rather than by leaving a Comment on FlashWounds…although we appreciate your visiting the site and hope you’ll be back!
Hi Gauge,
Please contact the drummer at darkdevildrummer@gmail.com if you haven’t already…and thank you for reading and responding to the post!
The FlashWounds Team
Thank you, yes I did. I’m still waiting to hear what he/says. I am hoping that his drumming is as spectacular as his favorite bands.
I want you as the drummer of my band. I am located in Lawrence MA, my favorite bands are NIN, Manson, The Misfits, White Zombie, Acid Bath, Black Sabbath, Slayer, Lamb Of God, Korn, Type O Negative etc.
Theatricality has been my point since 1994.
I write, perform and produce, direct & edit all of my own music and videos.
Please write back asap in regards to shows, videos, photos, touring etc.